Wednesday, January 30, 2008

After Florida, Political Forecast for Party Nominees

With McCain winning Florida for the republicans, and Clinton taking the win for the democrats, the primaries are slowly winding down. It seems that McCain has sealed his nomination, with a slim chance that Romney could hang in, but it is doubtful. Real Clear Politics, an awesome political information resource, is forecasting McCain for the republican bid, with Romney in second, and Clinton for the democratic bid, with Obama in second.

Obama is my clear favorite in the race, and I believe that he still has a fighting chance as long as he gathers some speed and wins in a key state, mainly, California. If Obama can take California, there is a good chance he could beat Clinton for the nomination.

So, taking these top four presidential candidates, what are the forecasts for head to head general election results?

McCain vs Clinton

McCain vs Obama

Romney vs Clinton

Romney vs Obama

The way that Real Clear Politics calculates their predictions, is by averaging a variety of other very reliable polls. From these averages, McCain beats every democratic candidate, and Clinton and Obama beat every other republican candidate, except McCain.

I remain an optimist, and say there is still time between now and November for the prediction to swing in favor of the democrats, but I do have to say that McCain is one of the most bipartisan candidates we have ever had, and could be a good president. Basically, I wouldn't move to Canada if he were elected.

(Photo from Time Magazine)

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