Monday, February 4, 2008

Obama's Fighting Chance

So it turns out that the Kennedy endorsement deserved more credit than I originally gave it. After Kennedy campaigning on Obama's behalf in California all week, combined with the L.A. Times and La Opinion endorsment of Obama, poll predictions have turned in Obama's favor.
Clinton has been campaigning hard in California, specifically targeting Latinos, who comprise 39.5% of the Californian Population. Clinton was expected to win over this population, but thanks to the specific endorsement of La Opinion, one of the most popular Latino publications in California, Obama has gained significant ground in the split state.
So what are the polls reflecting for super Tuesday? Well, Real Clear Politics polls show that Clinton only has 2.5% on Obama, and that McCain has pulled out an even greater lead, leaving Romney trailing significantly behind.
However, the most exciting news in my opinion, is the general election polls change in favor of Obama. In a match up with McCain, Obama is now the favored candidate. Just see for yourself:

McCain vs Obama

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