Saturday, April 12, 2008

My Memory

I had something really good to write on, I swear! My memory is absolutely ridiculous, and I am afraid that I have become a senile old bat 60 years too soon. I don't get it, I do what doctors say to strengthen your memory, like doing crossword puzzles. I do the New York Times crossword twice a week (Monday and Tuesday, because lets face it, after that you have to be an uber word genius!) and I read at least one book a week, if not two, so what gives?
I blame genetics. My mother has a terrible memory. My sisters and I would listen to her tell her friends stories and shake our heads in retort, because she was not giving an accurate account and had mixed up all her details.
To make matters worse, my mom says she blames child birth for her memory loss, saying that for each birth she lost half of her brain cells.
Am I doomed to this existence, is there no way to survive without making countless lists to remind myself of the multiple tasks I have to accomplish during the day?
I say screw memory, who needs it, I don't want to remember what happened yesterday. Who wants to remember their childhood? What idiot would want to be able to remember what someones name was? Forgetting someones name after you have sat by them for four months, thats so trendy right now! Bad memories are in, didn't you get the memo? Wait....maybe I forgot I made that up.

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