Sunday, September 21, 2008

Human resources moves to a new location

From The Utah Statesman, Sept. 12, 2008

The USU Human Resources Department’s location has changed from the Military Science Building to their own location on the northwest corner of 1200 E. and 700 North.
“We were really lucky in changing locations. A building became available, and Vice President Hunsaker in business and finance, saw the opportunity to put human resources in a place where it would be much more visible physically,” said BrandE Faupell, executive director for USU’s Human Resources Department.
Faupell said the new location is “fantastic” and much more ideal for the work human resources does.
“We’ve been in Military Science Building for as long as I can remember, and I don’t why. But it was a difficult place for us, we were on two floors, essentially separated work space, it was hard to find each other, hard for employees to find us, it was just a very difficult space,” Faupell said.
The main function of the Human Resources Department is to serve faculty and staff who are on contract and benefit eligible, Faupell said.“We touch everything that happens here,” Faupell said.
Human resources provides a variety of functions, Faupell said, including retirement, life, health, and death insurance plans, short and long term disability, compensation plans and adjustment, and EPAF’s (electronic personal action forms).
“We exist to serve the employees here. If they need an assistance with a personal problem, we can help them. We help people get good benefits, we help them get signed up for things, we lead them through some of the complexities of a large bureaucracy. We have a very active wellness program, to keep employees healthy, let them know what their risk factors are, etc. We really do make it a point to serve the employees of Utah State,” she said.
“Space is such a premium, and by allowing us to find a building that was more appropriate for our needs, we really could show the importance of the Human Resources Department to the rest of campus. For us to get this building was just a real coo, and thank goodness Vice President Hunsaker saw that, and the opportunity,” she said.

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